A distinct desire for innovation, a unique idea and a good sense for the challenges in modern dental offices: Taking these ingredients as a basis, Bernd Bühner and Pierre Mabille in 1981 founded the company EMS Electro Medical Systems – quality made in Switzerland.

EMS is the leading manufacturer of precision medical devices for dental prophylaxis, orthopaedics and urology. With over 800 qualified and specialised employees, we work on further improving our products and services every day – at our corporate headquarters in Nyon and around the world: Because, our goal is absolute perfection. Happy and healthy patients, successful clinicians and passionate partners, this is our mission. we deliver innovative and clinically proven treatment outcomes in the least invasive way. we are committed to fostering knowledge and skills by training and educating healthcare professionals, partners and employees. Guided Biofilm Therapy: EMS is the leader in dental prevention and prophylaxis. We are the game changers and the inventors thanks to our gbt protocol, our Airflow® Prophylaxis Master, our high precision PS instrument and innovative PLUS powder.

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